School Redevelopment Projects

Creating and undertaking School Redevelopment Projects
Aimed at revamping Government Educational Institutions


Eternity Infocom offers Government School Redevelopment through CSR India.
Get in touch with us to know more.

Basic education links the children, whether of the cities or the villages, to all that is best and lasting in India - Mahatma Gandhi

At Eternity, we take great pride in knowing that the products and services we offer and execute, make India and the world as a whole a better place. Be it water tanks or water pumps, our products help conserve and effectively use natural resources.

As apart of this philosophy, Eternity is also helping revamp the education system of India, through School Development Projects, with a focus on villages and small cities. Our objective is to use financial aid effectively and provide meaningful resources that compliment the infrastructure and system that the Government of India has already put in place.

This is being done using the two pronged approach of:

Repairing and Improving the Infrastructure
Improving the Quality of Education being imparted

Eternity Infocom Pvt Ltd bridges the gap and successfully implements projects that cater to every critical aspect that needs to be in place for ensuring that every child in our society gets the best possible education.

Rain Water Harvesting
Water is the most precious resource and it is important to conserve it at every step. Putting rain water harvesting into schools makes even more sense, as it imbibes the respect necessary towards water, in the young minds studying at the school. To ensure a successful rain water harvesting system is installed, we study the consumption pattern of water at the school and using the rain water statistics available, design a system to ensure optimum rain water consumption. The rest is put back into the ground.

Roof Repair
What use is a roof if it does not protect our young students and educators from harsh natural elements like heat, rain, cold etc. Our experts do a detailed study of the existing roof structure and do the necessary repair, including insulation and water proofing.

The roof for us is also the main source of collecting pure rain water for rain water harvesting. Thus, we design the optimum layout for ducts etc to collect our precious rain water from the school roof.

External walls, Gates Repair and painting
It is important for an educational establishment to have secure walls and gates that prevent outsiders from coming in and innocent children from going out unsupervised. We ensure your walls serve the purpose properly. Also, we get them painted with meaningful artwork, keeping children in mind, which make the place bright and lively for their young minds.

Classroom revamping
A well lit, well ventilated classroom with blackboards, desks, chairs and notice boards is essential for ensuring the students are able to apply their minds and absorb the education being imparted. We ensure the gaps are met and the school has wonderful classrooms.

School Uniforms including Shoes
Proper uniforms for all students can be arranged and provided so that the students feel as one.

Uniforms for Physical Education Classes
Uniforms that can be used for physical education classes. This will require an annual effort for each new batch.

School Bags including Stationery
School Bags with a fair supply of stationery items can be provided to ensure the children are all equipped to study.

Science Laboratory
Tables, racks and basic infrastructure where students can attend practical classes. Most schools lack the proper setup for science laboratories.

Science Lab Equipment
A basic science laboratory with enough instruments and supplies to ensure children can practically experience what their syllabus covers.

Art/Craft/Culture Laboratory
Equip the school with supplies and setup to ensure children get a healthy exposure to diverse aspects of life through arts, craft etc.

Lab for Vocational Education
Equip the school to provide basic vocational education to ensure a better future for the students there.

Provide the school furniture and books that cover the student requirements including some additional copies of books in syllabus, to ensure students are equipped to study from day one of classes.

Teaching Aids and Equipment
Providing teaching equipment, specially for junior classes to make learning fun for young minds.

Compliment the existing amenities to ensure a proper mid day meal program can be implemented at the schools running this scheme.

Principal's Room
Compliment existing setup of Head Teacher or Principal's Room

Teacher's Room/Office Room
Provide a setup where teachers can have their space between classes and official records can be kept safely.

Girl's Activity Room
A separate section with equipment to provide an activity room for girls.

Computer Lab with Teacher
Provide a setup with teacher to ensure students can practically work and learn computers on machines. Part time teachers who report to the school head teacher can be arranged with annual maintenance contracts for some robust computers.

Solar Light Provision
Create a solar light generation setup at the school that covers fans, lights and a small water pump that caters to the school. Maintenance to be covered under annual maintenance contract.

Sanitation and hygiene are extremely important if we want to have a healthy generation. We can design and install practically useful toilets and ensure water consumption in the urinals is compliments by the rain water harvesting facility, thereby having good, clean toilets which utilise water in an optimum manner.

Drinking Water Facility
It is extremely important to have good, clean drinking water available without any glitches at educational institutes, round the year. We can give the latest equipment with maintenance tie ups to ensure safe drinking water is never a problem at the school.

The school playground is a place where every child learns to interact with others, it is the place where life long friendships are formed and priceless memories that are cherished a lifetime created. We can improve your existing playground area and give it a look that is appreciated by not just the students, but other visitors to the school as well.

Playground Equipment
Play ground equipment that meets the age group of the students using the school can be provided. After all, we all know the saying…
All Work and No Play….!
We have several innovative school equipment in addition to conventional ones, which at a subconscious level, practically demonstrate to students, what they have learnt in class.

Ramp & Railing for CWSN (Children with Special Needs)
Every child is equally important and we can provide the necessary infrastructure improvements to ensure classrooms and common areas are easily accessible to students with special needs as well.

You should be part of this transformation journey too and help in School Redevelopment Projects!

You could be a business that makes value for money equipment that we can consider for our upcoming projects.

You could be an organisation looking towards spending our CSR budget towards making a good impact on society.

You could be an individual who can help us identify Schools that can benefit from a focussed revamp exercise.

You could be a group of students, professionals, housewives or an individual good samaritan who wants a better tomorrow for all.

Get in touch with us right away so that we can better understand each others abilities and challenges. Together, we can improve future generations and leave an everlasting positive impact on India and the World.
